Estuary Northwest 2024

September 12-14, 2024 

Encountering Face to Face

A 3-day conference in Olympia, Washington.
Hosted by Grail Country

Guest Speakers

Dr. Michael Martin

The Teacher

Dr. Michael Martin is a teacher, philosopher, poet, musician, songwriter, editor, and biodynamic farmer. Whew! He spent sixteen years educating many young people as a Waldorf teacher and Master Teacher, and has taught at the university level for over seventeen years.  His poetry and scholarship have appeared in many journals and he is a regular guest on Grail Country.
The Center for Sophiological Studies - website

Paul VanderKlay

The Pastor

Pastor Paul is the founder of the Estuary movement and Pastor of Living Stones Church.  Gathering in-person and online, Paul facilitates a wide range of conversations with people interested in and struggling with the deeper aspects of life.  He is well-known for both his wide-ranging discussions on the modern world and his deeply personal conversations with all kinds of people on his YouTube channel.
Paul's YouTube channel

Dr. Chris Green

The Theologian

Professor of Public Theology at Southeastern University (Lakeland, FL), Bishop of the Diocese of St Anthony (CEEC), and Director for St Anthony Institute of Theology, Philosophy, and Liturgics. He is the author and editor of a number of books, including most recently All Things Beautiful: An Aesthetic Christology
Dr. Green's website

Karen Wong

The Artist

Karen is an award-winning artist and painter with a deep understanding of the creative process.  Many will know her from her podcast, The Meaning Code, where listeners are treated to long-form discussions centered on the intersection of science, art, and faith. Her guests have included Ian McGilchrist, D.C. Schindler, John Vervaeke, Michael Levin, and Wolfgang Smith.
The Meaning Code - YouTubeKaren's art website

Rafe Kelley

The Mover

Rafe is the founder of Evolve Move Play, an ecology of practices aimed at creating a deeper sense of meaning in life by reconnecting to Movement, Mindfulness, Nature, and Community.
His work has enabled many people to cultivate their character through outdoor movement training with his online courses and retreats.
Evolve Move Play website

Graham Pardun

The Poet

Graham's poetry and essays explore the Mother-earth and Father-sky side of wild Christianity.  He is the founder of Sabbath Empire where readers can find his work and listen to his podcast by the same name.  
Sabbath Empire
"How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?”
C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces

What is Estuary?

If you sat down in an Estuary meeting you would see a group people meeting face to face.  They are from various backgrounds discussing anything that is meaningful, interesting, and real.  

It is a movement dedicated to put people together in deep conversation, to move beyond the surface level, beyond the masks. We believe these conversations to be deeply meaningful and invite people from diverse religious traditions, or no tradition at all to come and join us as we try to enter into deep encounter with each other, and through that encounter, perhaps to encounter, if ever so fleetingly, our transcendent source. 

This event will combine model Estuary session with featured speakers and panel discussions.

Location - Olympia CRC

The Estuary Northwest 2024 event was held at the Olympia Christian Reformed Church in Olympia, Washington.

2121 Log Cabin RD
Olympia, WA 98501  

Grail Country

Nate Hile founded the Grail Country YouTube channel where he hosts public conversations dealing with the mystical fringes of Christian theology and symbolism.  

Shari Suter is a Grail Country host, writer, weaver, and homesteader in British Columbia, Canada.  

Nate Hile and Shari Suter are proud to host the Estuary Northwest 2024 event.
Grail Country - YouTube
"The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend."
Exodus 33:11

Estuary Northwest 2024
